Cultivating Spiritual Beauty: The Art of Kindness and Compassion

In a world often fixated on external appearances, true beauty transcends physical attributes. Spiritual beauty, characterized by qualities like kindness, compassion, and inner peace, is what truly captivates hearts and leaves a lasting impression. In this fast-paced and sometimes chaotic world, nurturing our spiritual beauty becomes not only a personal endeavor but also a way to positively impact those around us.

1. Cultivate Kindness: Kindness is a universal language that knows no boundaries. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, have the power to uplift spirits and create ripple effects of positivity. Whether it's a smile to a stranger, a listening ear to a friend in need, or a helping hand to someone in distress, each act of kindness adds a brushstroke to the canvas of our spiritual beauty.

2. Practice Compassion: Compassion is the ability to understand and empathize with the experiences and emotions of others. It involves setting aside judgment and offering support and comfort instead. By practicing compassion, we cultivate a deeper connection with humanity and recognize the inherent worth and dignity in every individual.

3. Foster Inner Peace: Inner peace is the cornerstone of spiritual beauty. It is the serenity that emanates from within, regardless of external circumstances. Cultivating inner peace involves practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection. By nurturing a sense of calm and harmony within ourselves, we become beacons of tranquility amidst life's storms.

4. Live Authentically: Authenticity is the essence of spiritual beauty. It is the courage to be true to oneself, embracing both strengths and vulnerabilities. Living authentically means aligning our actions with our values and expressing ourselves genuinely. When we live from a place of authenticity, we radiate a magnetic charm that draws others to us.

5. Cultivate Gratitude: Gratitude is the cornerstone of a beautiful soul. It is the ability to appreciate the abundance and blessings present in our lives, no matter how small. By cultivating an attitude of gratitude, we shift our focus from what is lacking to what is abundant, fostering a sense of contentment and fulfillment.

In conclusion, cultivating spiritual beauty is a lifelong journey that requires intention, practice, and a commitment to living from the heart. By embracing kindness, compassion, inner peace, authenticity, and gratitude, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to creating a more beautiful and harmonious world.

So, let us embark on this journey together, painting our lives with the vibrant colors of spiritual beauty and spreading its light wherever we go.

Finding Confidence in the Lord: A Guide to Spiritual Strength

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, finding confidence can be elusive. While self-confidence is important, there's another kind of confidence that goes beyond our own abilities and strengths – confidence in the Lord. Whether you're facing difficult decisions, navigating through tough times, or simply seeking inner peace, here's a guide on how to cultivate confidence in the Lord.

  • Seek His Presence: Confidence in the Lord starts with building a personal relationship with Him. Set aside time each day for prayer, meditation, and reading the Scriptures. Opening your heart to God's presence allows you to experience His love, wisdom, and guidance.

  • Trust His Promises: The Bible is filled with promises that offer hope and assurance. Trusting in God's promises, such as His faithfulness, provision, and protection, can strengthen your faith and confidence in His plan for your life.

  • Reflect on His Faithfulness: Take time to reflect on how God has been faithful to you in the past. Recall moments when He answered prayers, provided for your needs, or carried you through difficult times. Reminding yourself of His faithfulness can bolster your confidence in His ability to see you through whatever lies ahead.

  • Walk in His Will: Surrendering your plans and desires to God's will is an act of faith and obedience. Trust that His plans for you are good, even when they may not align with your own. As you walk in His will, you'll experience a deeper sense of purpose and confidence knowing that you're following His lead.

  • Lean on His Strength: When faced with challenges or obstacles, remember that you don't have to rely solely on your own strength. God promises to be our strength in times of weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). By leaning on His strength, you can face any situation with confidence and courage.

  • Surround Yourself with Supportive Community: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage, pray for, and support you in your faith journey. Being part of a supportive community can provide strength and accountability as you seek to grow in confidence in the Lord.

  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by acknowledging God's blessings in your life. Gratitude shifts your focus from your circumstances to God's goodness, fostering a sense of contentment and confidence in His provision.

  • Step Out in Faith: Finally, step out in faith, trusting that God will equip you with everything you need to fulfill His purposes. Be bold in pursuing opportunities, knowing that God is with you every step of the way.

In conclusion, finding confidence in the Lord is a journey that requires trust, surrender, and faith. By seeking His presence, trusting His promises, reflecting on His faithfulness, walking in His will, leaning on His strength, surrounding yourself with supportive community, practicing gratitude, and stepping out in faith, you can cultivate a deep and unwavering confidence in the Lord that will sustain you through life's ups and downs. May you find strength and assurance in His unfailing love and faithfulness.

Make God Famous

Dear HHLL Readers,

On that day when the whole world sees Jesus, what will you do?  It is written that all heads will bow down and praise Jesus, for they know his name and his name is powerful.  They will instantly know he is the creator and deserves all the glory and worship.  But, knowing this right now, do you believe you will be happy or sad to see Jesus when he comes?

There may be three stances a person could take when they see Jesus:

1.       “Yay, daddy’s home!”

2.       “Wait a minute… he’s back early.  Clean up!”

3.       “Is that who I think it is?  I thought he was never coming back.”

Whatever the response, I know that God will come back like a thief.  He will be so swift and speedy and commence His judgement so fast that we might be left wondering, what the heck just happened?  He will surely judge us without delay… who can stand any chance on this day?

Perhaps this is the remedy: we know that God is coming back so get ready to combat the consequence from God by knowing yourself.  When you know yourself, you become aware of who you are and who you are meant to be in this world.  You can change from your past setbacks and mistakes and be a light to others.  And, you can work hard on not doubting yourself and start believing in yourself.  There is strength in your power and in your nature.  Undoubtedly you can do anything you set your mind to.  Just as it takes time to reach perfection, you can train your mind.  First, decide on how to moderate your life.  Consider the things you will tolerate.  Finally, find balance in your life through discipline.  Question everything: what will be the things you say yes or no to?  

Remember the story of Adam and Eve?  They became infamous for eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden.  Satan made Eve believe that it was okay to eat the fruit from the prohibited tree and made it “appear” it was good for eating.  However, once she ate from it, she immediately knew her wrong, and commenced to trick Adam into eating it which he did.  Instead of owning their mistake when questioned by God, the two had to place blame on someone other than themselves.  So, Satan beguiled Eve and in effect she could not say “no”.  Subsequently, Eve tricked Adam and he could not tell her “no”.  Then, when questioned by God about what happened, Adam pointed the finger at Eve.  God, however, cannot be deceived.

Adam and Eve did not understand the true value of their identity and relationship with God.  Because of that, they believed a lie told by Satan.  These two took from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they could not put things back together to make it right.  They acted kind of foolish.  God, therefore, denied them to partake in the tree of life.  Do we as a human race nowadays still act like Adam and Eve?  Do we act the same, especially when confronted with past actions that show our guilt?  Additionally, is there a way to make up for our foolish mistakes, no matter how many times we commit them and appease God?  Or, would we rather keep making the same mistake because we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe we can keep acting foolish, not caring about the future consequences?

Although we are intelligent beings, a person who is foolish does not have good sense.   Sadly, the person does not know they are unwise or are acting silly in a bad way.  Logically, when this person’s reputation starts to build up, he or she will be known as a fool.  However, being infamous for being foolish does not mean that it is good because in fact, you are a fool.  It is also very difficult to get your point across to a foolish person.   But in the same way they become infamous, it is not for doing anything good.  Instead, people marvel at the foolish one, as if they want to attain the same type of status.  And so, it seems the foolish are admired.

But God is more famous than the fool.  His reputation is not only well known but distinguished.  God is always present, and he doesn’t have to exclaim he is here, nor does he have to tell us he is God.  We already know; that is why he is famous.  However, the fool often misses the mark because there is no end to his foolery, and perhaps others don’t commit to correcting him.  But just as a child needs to be re-directed, so does anyone who isn’t a child.  We all need knowledge but not just any information: we need the truth.  This truth is necessary for our well-being because it gives us a point of reference.  We need this reference in order to live our lives accordingly.

If you are not satisfied with foolery in your life or in others, set boundaries.  Because without boundaries, eventually the foolishness will become reckless and you will become infamous for being a fool or associating with people who commit foolish acts.  I know I am repeating foolishness a lot, but I do not want to use other terms such as mischief, irresponsible, half-witted, thoughtless, indiscreet, dumb, etc., mainly because I think my point can get across by using one term: “foolish.”  But a human being is fearfully and wonderfully made by God.  You are not born to be a fool.

It is okay to make mistakes because otherwise, one could never learn from the experience and change.  But you are made by a miraculous power, and Satan has come into the world to make us doubt our power.  He keeps us from seeing our true self and potential and makes us fight with ourselves from within.  He knows that it is what is on the inside that counts and not the outside.  (*Perhaps this is the reason why he made Adam and Eve eat from the off-limits tree, because he knew it would defile them from the inside, and he wanted them to be hurt.  Satan, however did not play fair.  He had to trick Adam and Eve to get them to do something so foolish.  As a result, they were roped into following Satan and broke God’s rule.  God could not allow Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of life in their current state.*) 


At any cost, rather than saying yes to the devil’s deceitfulness and tricks, say no so that you will not be played the fool.  Although God gave us the answer, it is still easy to play the fool because Satan is super good at making it look like nothing is wrong with our lives… we don’t even realize what is really going on.  To combat the devil, use what will make his attempts on our life fail.  BE DISCIPLINED IN THE TRUTH AS OPPOSED TO WORLDLY RHETORIC: KNOW YOURSELF AND GOD.

Also, please refrain from looking at the appearance of things and get to the heart of the matter: know yourself.  Who are you?  Separate yourself from worldly things so that you may know yourself.  Find the identity that God has given you.  Make your life efforts a reflection of the power of God that resides in you.  Make God famous again.  Do not allow the infamous Satan and his foolery to bask in the limelight of your life.  Return the spotlight to God.

Seeking Faith in God by Yourself

Hello HHLL Readers!

I’d like to start off this time with a verse:

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.  By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” (Hebrews 11:1-3)

Things are not always as they seem.  The grass is not always greener on the other side.  The story as presented to you by someone else is not always true.  Although something happened to you, no one dares to tell you that you’re NOT the only one who has had the same experience (although it could help your situation).  Those same people will also refrain from reaching out to you to tell you how they really feel, nor will they offer help.  I guess in this case silence is golden?  Not really. 

Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you are all alone when you are not supported.  This can be so much harder to bear when you know you have integrity and are faced with multiple moments of madness.  At the end, you eventually start living in survival mode.  Because of this, you can suffer stresses and illnesses, and you may even not be at your best cognitively to even make better decisions or have good judgement.

We also do not often hear compliments such as “good going” or “thank you for your help.” The common greeting of “hi, how are you?” has lost its genuineness and is now lack-luster in usage.  No one is really appreciated, and moreover, people are not respected for doing good.  This is a competitive society and, for what?  With such a lack of communication and encouragement it is easy for us to get lost.  What has become acceptable in society are most likely the things that harm us, which also prevent us from seeking faith and doing so diligently. 

When driving cars, we are supposed to heed the following safety warning: “objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” The warning is literally written on the mirrors themselves.  Well, moving objects- going fast or slow- can likewise be distorted in your vision if you are not paying close attention.  But, are we cars?  And if we are not cars, whose safety warnings are we following?  Do we follow our own self-motivation or the motivation of others?  What would be the benefit of following either? 

Normally, we have a mother and father (or mother and father figures) to guide us morally.  These parents take care of us until we grow from children into respectful and capable adults in our own rights.  The role of the parent is no longer to “parent” us and he or she should, essentially, let us go.  They also should have instilled in us an impenetrable moral compass.  But if we are living life without a strong faith in God that we conscientiously practice and if there is no spiritual inspiration maybe our blind-spot detection in our “car” is not always perfect.  If you are one of the lucky ones, you have this faith naturally, but it still needs to be “oiled.”

For what purpose, then, in life are we seeking as we near adulthood?  Is it to date someone that you know will always remain a boyfriend or girlfriend?  Is it to be single?  Or is it to become married after so many years of living the single life?  Could it be to travel around the world and look good in all your social media photos?  Is it to have the perfect job and make a lot of money or do you want to become famous by being a superstar, but you don’t want to put in the effort?  Perchance, are you living to earn enough money to impress others with your material things?  All these things are fleeting and perhaps sought by superficial and selfish means, but they all will perish.  These things won’t last after death. 

Can’t we just take a moment to stop, breathe, question, and reflect?

Just like I was born of a mother and a father, Jesus was the same.  He was born of the Holy Spirit’s help, but also had earthly parents, who were Mary and Joseph.  I wanted to look up to my mom or dad for support.  Jesus, also, sought everything through addressing God.  Likewise, my mom and dad had parents, too.  And, who did their parents look up to for advice and counsel?  If we go back to the beginning of time, like Adam and Eve, they had a (spiritual) father; God.  Isn’t it logical that God would be Adam and Eve’s father?  So, as it is, everything traces back to God. 

Because of this revelation, we must seek God.  Our purpose in life is to have faith and we must continually pursue faith no matter what comes to distract us (or tempt us).  We know that this is not our final destination if we are to go to Heaven.  We are foreigners, traveling and seeing the world through human eyes; being in physical form, yet being affected by a spiritual experience.   

Jesus was in fact resurrected from the dead.  We did not see it because we weren’t there; however, we still believe this within our soul.  Even though heavenly powers and spiritual authorities are invisible to us, it does not mean they do not exist because we see God’s handiwork all around us.

God is powerful to save us and bless us through Jesus’ death on the cross.  We owe our lives and means of living to Him.  We can never repay God for all that He has given us, but we can try through the strength of our faith in action. 

God is sacred; he is holy.  He deserves to be praised.  We should pay attention to the fact that He has the power to create and give us everything we have- thereby making us turn from our selfish ways.  Recognizing God as the main thing that needs our life’s devotion will change our perception of life and the reason it is important to have a faith that is strong, as much as we can personally will it to be through our own ability and the power of the Holy Spirit.

With self-control and determination, we can soar like an eagle and be reassured by the power of God’s love.  Prepare your minds to receive the blessings by continued belief and understanding of God’s miracles and promises.  He is good.  So, seek faith in God and in Jesus.  We are not our own help; God is our help.  Although unseen, He is ever present.  Let’s not forget to have patient confidence through faith in action.  Allow God to command our lives- even though we want to keep looking in the side-view mirrors.   

We must be deliberate and cultivate our faith because what we see is immediate, and we do not often get to see the immediate results of our work through faith. We want the answers now and do not take the time to look back.  However, reflecting takes time.  In fact, growing your faith takes time because it is a sacred matter.  All of us can do it because we are powerful.  We have the power of our mouth, thoughts, and hearts; this is perhaps why the constant renewing of our minds is very important, as the common biblical saying often goes.  Change takes patience and so does building the propensity to view things according to different (or new) perspectives. 

Cultivating our minds will allow the seed called faith to grow.  This cultivation is like a habit we support through daily routines and our hope in this matter.  Faith must also be encouraged and celebrated.  By joining ourselves in the Spirit we can focus on the important thing; God.  The second thing we can do is honor God through the faith we have in Him.

Genesis 24:49 –  “Now if you will show kindness and faithfulness to my master, tell me; and if not, tell me, so I may know which way to turn.”

Deuteronomy 7:9 –  “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.”

1 Samuel 2:9 –  “He will guard the feet of his faithful servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness. “It is not by strength that one prevails;”

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong - Part Two

Hello HHLL Readers!

Remember that our lives are just a mist?  Eventually everyone you know dies, including all plants and animals in the world.  We do not create ourselves.  Every single person in all nations, birds of the sky, animals on land, and creatures of the sea have been created.  Each individual strand of hair on our heads have been counted; right down to a single blade of grass that covers dirt on the ground… even so down to one itty-bitty grain of sand on a beach’s seashore that is washed away.  But the only beings that inhabit the earth that are fighting against each other are us – the people.  Why just the people?

People are important and created specially by God.  We are spiritual but have abandoned our abilities and have misused our spiritual power.  We have forgotten the source of our lives because the world is against us; it seeks to make us forget and at the same time have animosity towards God.

In the last blog I wrote that our origin came from God.  God gave us his word and promise of eternal life with Him by our side.  Our lives are short in the grand scheme of things- like an inevitable evaporating mist, but there are daily opportunities to make our lives about remembering God and His love for us through the persecution and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I mentioned we should humble ourselves in any situation first to God and focus on worries after having had a conversation with God.  By bringing your fears and concerns to God, even though there are many, your connection to God is the main thing that is important in order to tackle the problems in the first place.

In part one of this message, remembering God started with the 10 commandments that He gave us in the Law under Moses in the Old Testament.  However, due to this being part two, we now look at Jesus and the New Testament.  Jesus sacrificed his life for our sinful nature and was resurrected from death on our behalf.  He is alive, and therefore we say he is a living God.  Due to this, we now apply our belief of God through Jesus and the faith we’ve gained through God’s mercy and grace.  Believers are in the faith through works phase (age/era) and claim Jesus as their Savior and therefore are not held under the Mosaic Law.  Now, the old commandments don’t really seem to apply, do they?  Well, what did Jesus say is the greatest commandment? 

Mark 12:29-31 (NIV) – 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Aren’t you excited about Jesus’ answer?  He gave us an upgrade- the Commandments 2.0 version!  There are only two commandments we need to follow.  These are the ones that all people should pay attention to as the other decrees seem defunct.  However, I do believe we should acknowledge the old commandments.  They are our roots.  They were necessary to the Israelites and served their purpose according to God’s timing, before He sent Jesus to us to teach us the new commandments.

Although as Christians, we face so much hardship, it is very hard to accept our situations and love all our neighbors.  This in turn makes it harder to love God.  But the fact is Christians are going to be persecuted via trials and tribulations.  It also does not matter if your neighbor is a blood relative, spouse, co-worker or friend, for example: your troubles will come from any source.  These “troubles”, scoffing and hate from others were foretold in the bible.  So, even though these events will be shocking and may catch you unaware, just know that you are very loved (beloved) by God as his chosen people. 

Only you, as a true Christian, can withstand the pain and struggles.  No one suffers as you can.  But as far as the ones who are causing troubles in the world and doing wrong in their lives, just know that they really don’t know Jesus.  Your job is to focus on God through your suffering in which he will bring you out and give you peace.  Your faith will be tested…but it will only make you stronger. 

My best advice is to be clear minded about the commandments of love as Jesus taught.  There is also no right or wrong way to build a relationship with God.  Think of God as a person.  He did in fact manifest himself in human form as Jesus, so when you are seeking to reach out to him, plan on speaking to Jesus as if he is a person next to you. 

I do believe Jesus seeks a face-to-face relationship with us.  Tell Jesus you love him with all your heart.  Thank him from the bottom of your soul.  Tell him what’s going on in your mind as well as talk to him about your life, fears and desires.  Finally, trust in him with all strength that abounds in your body.  Go ahead and develop your faith and resistance.  In this way, you can stand firm until His return.

***If you or someone you know does not know Jesus, it is not too late.  You can come to know him right now.  Do not worry, because He will welcome you with open arms.  And, forgiveness covers a multitude of sins.  This means whoever forgives you also loves you.  The main thing is that you know you have been forgiven and recognize what love is... and love comes from God, so you will also be loved by him. 

We are in a spiritual battle which makes life and some biblical concepts hard to understand.  But you must know what the battle is about as well as our history as a people on this earth.  Please do come to know Jesus as your Savior.  He is waiting for you to come to Him, just like a child innately wants to go to his parent and be loved and protected by him.***

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong - Part One

Hello HHLL Readers!

Sometimes life is too real.  In fact, it is so real that it’s wrong.  Our life gets too real because for a lot of reasons (or excuses), the lifestyle we have been living is all we have come to know.  For other reasons, it is so real that we get stuck and forget what is really happening.  

Usually we like to function just for the moment- with or without a substantial goal.  We generally focus on worldly things that are insignificant in the long-run while we avoid the spiritual things we need to do in the short-run that will prepare us for the long-run.  Again, we focus on our desires that will satisfy us immediately but run away from the tough choices that will give us complete satisfaction in the future. 

As a society, we do this because we don’t want to wait for any satisfaction.  Our culture is like this because we have been conditioned to seek instant gratification.  When it seems everyone is doing the same things you aren’t too sure about committing yourself too but would like to join, eventually your mind can persuade you to find the thing acceptable prior to your submission, not knowing the future consequences. 

Due to this, we hurt ourselves by taking in everything that appears to us- that which looks good- hoping it will in turn save us by filling the hole of incompleteness some of us feel in our hearts.  Mysteriously, that hole does not get filled and the pattern of needing to fill it up starts again.  Unfortunately, this is our world’s addiction.  This is partly because a lot of people still have no knowledge of God, who He is, or what He decrees.  And others, who call themselves Christians, say they believe in God but they do not do as he says.  The atheists as well deny God’s existence but at the same time they exercise their free will.

Perhaps, though, if you are reading this blog you may have read what was written in James 4:14- “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (NIV)  What then is the meaning behind the verse?  And what, exactly, is a mist? 

A mist is something suspended in the air; particles of water floating in the atmosphere.  It is a phantasm… an illusion.  It is unsubstantial and transitory.  A mist, or vapor, is temporary as it is short-lived.  In effect, our lives are like this mist or vapor.  It exists, but only for a short while.  Also, during its brief existence it can be hard to tell what is in fact happening- as sometimes, one cannot see through the cloudy mist.  So, the mist is there for a moment and then in the next one, it has vanished.  Well, what happened to the vapor?  Did it evaporate without a trace?

The point of this verse, though, is to remember what we have forgotten.  We must remember where we came from; namely, our roots.  Our origin came from God, and we must remember him.  God gave us his word and covenant of eternal life.  Although our lives are vapors that can evaporate in any moment- the time of which we cannot predict- God still gave us his word and we should abide by his commandments.  Overall, God’s word is a help for us.  Even if we are here briefly, for a moment, shouldn’t we keep God in our lives?

However, following God’s commandments are difficult for people to adhere to because they want to follow their own directions and make their own paths.  These types of people are “keeping it real” because Earth is real to them.  These people do not see life apart from Earth.  They see life as a process from birth to death, and nothing afterwards.  They do not understand that God’s commandments are simply instructions that will give your life order.  But they are also God’s decree, and His word is final, and as such, they should be taken seriously.  Since our lives are in fact a mist, we must be diligent and have a sense of urgency.  This is because we do not control the time we are born or the time we are to die.  Hence, God gave us the commandments- although our lives are a mist- so we can remember God.  The commandments are also a heavenly requirement, as Heaven is orderly.

If we do not see the sense of urgency in God’s commandments, then they are of no use.  Not obeying them will not be of any benefit.  As well, we will not receive a personal invitation from God that will allow us to enter Heaven.  But just as the vapor appears for a short time, so do our lives.  Our lives are the appearance of what others make of what they see.  The key word though is “see.”  We are talking about perception.  God, however, does not look at your appearance as people do.  God can see past the outward appearance and therefore looks inside of you.  He wants to see your heart.  He is looking there in your heart to see if you have kept his commandments and not strayed from them.  Likewise, our job is to share the Gospel, but we cannot make someone believe if they are always perceiving what is on the outside.  God is dealing with an internal matter and He alone can change perception by opening the hearts of people to see Him for Himself.  So even when people are “keeping it real”, are they keeping it real with God?

What I am writing should not be a scary thing to understand, but it is something that one should be reading in a serious manner because I hope it will bless you.  The purpose of the bible verse I selected of James 4:14 is to highlight the overall theme of the chapter, which is to obey God by humbling yourselves.  Specifically, submit yourselves to God and his orderly plan for your life- which is God’s will.  Please don’t let the appearance of the world justify your decision to turn away from God’s commandments.

What are the 10 commandments of God?  (Find them in Exodus 20)

Remember them and do them.  Keep trying until doing them becomes a daily habit like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, or drinking water.  When you remember the commandments, you are remembering God, and God will remember you.  The devil will flee from the one who is putting their spiritual life back in order because that person will be dedicating everything about themselves to the Lord.  As before, we were in bondage- in spiritual slavery in Egypt.  Our God delivered us out of Egypt.  Let’s work on our spiritual connection to Him by remembering him.  By doing so, please share your story so others will start to remember what really matters in this vapor of a life- which is God, who gave us the life, but who also gave us free will to come back to His will.  So, I’m asking you to not “keep it real" with your life.  I am suggesting that you “Keep it Right.”

The Ten Commandments (Source: Wikipedia)

1.    I am the Lord thy God, thou shall not have any gods before me.

2.    You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything.

3.    You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

4.    Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

5.    Honor your father and your mother.

6.    You shall not murder.

7.    You shall not commit adultery.

8.    You shall not steal.

9.    You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

10.  You shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, or property.


Opening Your Mouth: A Matter of Life or Death

Hello Readers!

Life is both hard and good but you either tell the truth or you lie.  When you lie, you are in fact hiding.  You could be hiding your persona, your actions, or hiding a situation.  On the other hand, telling the truth makes life easier to bear (in the open).   And, when you tell the truth there is no need to hide (hence, lie).  But, do tell the truth in love.  Without love, the truth will be harder to accept.  When you love yourself, you can accept truth told by anyone.  As well, when you love yourself, you know how to discern between a truth and a lie. 

Therefore, the opposite of love is hate.  We often seek love, but hate seems to come to us easily- although it was not sought.  But how can you seek love when you seek it through hiding, lying, and fakeness, which is away from your true self?  Also, how do we know when someone is lying or being truthful?  If we are to choose love wisely, we ought to watch our mouths and despise hate.  Additionally, we must observe people over a period to see if their behavior matches their beliefs.

Did you know that our words have the power to speak life or death into lives?  For example, our word comes from God who is our Heavenly Father.  He spoke life into us here on earth with one breath.  As such, He is a living God; the only God- the one and only true God.  There is power in God’s word.  Therefore, since God created you with His breath, there is power in your speech and word (which uses breath).

A truth is a blessing so that means that a lie is a curse.  So, when you speak in truth, you’re giving life to the person who hears you.  Subsequently, when you speak a lie you are killing anyone who hears the lie, including yourself.  A lie cannot be the truth and the truth cannot be a lie.  Yet, humans desire to welcome a lie over the truth, just because a lie is easier to believe and is more comfortable than a truthful thing that is uncomfortable to bear- which sits well in the spirit of sinners.

Although the truth is not easily accepted in certain situations, learn to commend yourself for doing a good thing.  Don’t stop telling the truth because someone does not want to accept what was spoken.  Likewise, do not convince yourself into lying for the benefit of others so that they may be comfortable with hearing a lie.  It would be far better to bless someone through your words instead of condemning them to eternal death by cursing them with lies because you have power every time you speak.

News flash!!!  Everyone has a sin/problem to get over.  These sins/problems are bad, not only because God tells us not to do them, but because they hurt us.  God does not want us to be hurt.  But to teach us about himself, God lets us be hurt so that we can know His love.  If we are to love God and ourselves, we need to speak His language.  His language is love.  His being is also love.  He is living, and his language gives us life.

Although God is deity (divine), he is also our Heavenly Father. He is unlike our earthly parents in the respect that He loves us but grants us mercy and grace.  Only He can provide grace and mercy through his power.  And since He is our father, He likewise will love us unconditionally as our earthly parents should naturally love their children.  Because He loves us, He wants the best for us.  That is why He wants us to speak life with our words and not death.  Our earthly parents should do the same; they should want us to speak life and not death.  Parents must lead by example to protect each generation with love and life.

God, therefore, teaches us to be like him by being fruitful in the Spirit.  Speaking like God will bring us the fruits of the Spirit.  Speaking from the flesh will bring us death and sinning.  But don’t fear!  Yes, you have power!  God gave us the ability to speak, just as He placed the Holy Spirit within us, who is constantly at work in our bodies with its power each day. 

Also, with the power of the Holy Spirit, some of us have been gifted with the ability of language (tongues).  This world has many languages.  Some people are talented in speaking, interpreting, translating, and others are skillful in teaching languages.  Yet, to speak a language successfully, the context must first be understood, which takes much practice, patience, and building our command of words, grammar, and comprehension, etc. over time.  Furthermore, when learning to speak a language other than your mother tongue, that language’s culture cannot be separated from the language-learning experience.  Culture and language always go together. 

So, we must interact with people who speak the language who come from the culture where the language is mainly used and/or derived from. (*This means find a conversation partner to practice your language abilities!)  Thus, we must study God’s language, which is love.  And, God’s culture is love.  Studying God’s word will bear us fruits of the Spirit.  By studying and acting (a.k.a. “doing”) we will become disciplined in this language of love and life- which both gives and sustains love and life.

In conclusion, do not lie.  Tell the truth.  If you tell lies, you will be eternally dying.  If you tell the truth, you can live.  But to live eternally, you need God.  Your soul is the most important thing at stake, so that is why we speak life through love.  God is love and He is the one that offers us eternal life.  He used His mouth to give us life at the beginning, He is giving us life now, and He will also in the end.  It will be prudent of us to study the fruits of the Spirit and test ourselves according to them daily to see if we are worthy of God blessing us with eternal life on the last Day.

I encourage you to become disciplined at reading God’s word, seek help in its understanding, apply it to your life, and start producing results.  In fact, speak the fruits of the Spirit to manifest into your life.  You have the Spirit, as do all peoples on the earth.  It is inside you already.  You are a fighter.  And you have been fighting every day.  But, please do not give up.  This I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

(*See previous blog for the list of the fruits of the Spirit and the list of the fruits produced from the flesh.)

A Believer’s Character Is Apparent

Hello Readers!

A believer’s character is apparent, that is through adorning the Gospel of Jesus.  The bible states there are two kinds of fruit a person can bear: one is of the Spirit; the other is of the flesh.

When you are a believer (of Christ Jesus), the fruit of the Spirit blooms the following traits in you:

§  Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control

And, the opposite traits of the Spirit- what we call as the fruits produced by the flesh- are as follows:

§  Sexual immorality, Impurity and debauchery, Idolatry and witchcraft, Hatred, Discord, Jealousy, Fits of rage, Selfish ambition, Dissensions, Factions and envy, Drunkenness, Orgies (and similar things)

It is clear to see by the above characteristics which fruits are being nurtured in a person. The desires of the Spirit and the flesh are battling against each other.  They do not mesh well together.  Yet, it is better to follow the Spirit than give in to the flesh, because when you act in the ways of the flesh, it is acting against the Spirit and taking you farther away from God. 

We need to let the fruits of the Spirit grow, paying careful attention to the word of God and cautioning ourselves from dangerous acts, but it is really hard to do so in this fallen world.  The way to combat the devil’s evil snares is to build up our personal relationship with God.  This means truly focusing on the best way we can get to know God. 

Make sure to devote your time specifically to Him.  We need help to do this.  It seems simple enough to decide to read the bible, pray, and go to church.  However, sometimes life gets in the way and stops us from accomplishing those things- because reading the bible, praying to God in the name of Jesus, and attending church is something that the ruler of the earth (Satan- for now) does not want you to be doing.  

But let us never fear the devil.  God has a plan and help for us.  There is also a church that calls you to learn from them and to serve with them.  A little-known fact: Satan doesn’t mind you going to church.  But, Satan’s plan is to twist God’s word against you to make you head towards acts of the flesh.  (Never mind about him but keep going to church and reading up on the bible and praying.)  Perhaps therefore when we pray to our Father God in Heaven and read the Gospel of Christ Jesus, it reinforces the bible-based lessons we learn in church so that we can stand against the devil’s temptations and attempts to destroy our lives.

I am probably preaching to the choir, but we the elect know that the world we live in will continue to accept a people complacent with less courtesy, less etiquette, low morals, no standards, and no quality.  Our society will continue to be complacent with entitlement, lack of empathy, and inequality.  Nowadays, we are too agreeable with lies, with too few fighters for justice- not only in the legal sense but in relationships with the people around us- at home, at our jobs, at schools, in our communities, or whatever our case may be.  When we are a society built up of people who are bearing the fruits of the Spirit, then shouldn’t we all be blessed? 

As it stands, the world has left the believers in a tough spot.  Therefore, believers should not falter, because we ultimately know beyond a doubt that we have a savior in Jesus Christ and we have been forgiven of our sins that we made through our acts in the flesh, because we do them every day, although it is hard to avoid them.  Yet, we continue to work on ourselves in the hopes that the Spirit will bear fruit in us and make us stronger than the day before.  If God could turn Saul into Paul, the Apostle- a man who delighted in the murdering of believers before he fell at the sight of God and turned to praising Him and preaching the Gospel- don’t you think that God will forgive you for the sins you’ve committed and let you start fresh each new day?

What I would like to say is that as a human being, relationships and communication are important to live.  These things contribute to our growth, personality, how we handle certain situations and how we treat people.  Overtime we develop a way of life, sense of standards, and a type of spiritual health- which can be in good or poor standing- due to the choices we make by living in the Spirit or by acting from the flesh.  But how would our walk through life appear if we did not have God as our guiding Father and Jesus Christ faithfully walking by our side, even when we don’t have faith in ourselves?  Jesus never-ever loses faith in himself.  Moreover, when you humble yourself and your ego in action, deed, and thought, you will without a doubt gain more access to God.  This is because God communicates well with those who pray and read the word- which has been passed on through the bible. 

Let us stand still and bear fruit with God.  Allow ourselves to grow.  Let’s be courteous to all and proudly blossom in full view of everyone.  Our growth will be clear and cannot be denied by anyone, and this will put them to shame.  Your growth in the fruits of the Spirit will have others wanting what you have and asking how to be like you.  There are people, though, who will be afraid of you and intimidated by your gifts so much that they may try to provoke you.  Just know that they are acting in the flesh.  Although they act with evil towards you, do your best to not repay evil with evil, so as not to lose your cool.  Either come up with a way to relate with them as best as you can bear or remove yourself from the toxic people and/or environment- as it clearly states in the bible to avoid such people- so you will not take on their habits.

Fight back?  Don’t fight back?  Turn the other cheek?  Well, this is what we do as believers: we fight by humbling ourselves to God first.  We pray for God to divinely intervene.  Then, abiding in God’s word and He in us, God will fight for us.  God is our Heavenly Father who loves us always, even when the world is tough, and we can’t see past it or love ourselves enough.  So, we must give God a chance to love us by showing him we love him and are thankful for showing us His mercy and for that, we seek to communicate with Him and have a genuine relationship with Him.  He is waiting to prepare a place for you and will pour out His Spirit, and then, you will bear plentiful fruit- the kind that there is no law against and will not lead you to death.  Therefore, the one we should all be concerned about getting to know personally is God through acknowledging Jesus Christ and his death to be our savior.  For he is risen and has forgiven us, and his mercy is upon us now.  We must bloom in the fruits of the Spirit and he will not withhold his blessings from our harvest.


Our Loving Jesus. Won’t You Love Him Back?

Hello Readers!

HHLL’s message is to spread love around the world. It’s worth mentioning that we need to spread the right type of love. The example of the love we ought to have, see, and provide to ourselves and others has already been given to us. We have already seen that kind of love. We have given that love to ourselves and we proudly give it away to others. Perhaps we give it away too easily.

The type of love I am talking about happens every day. We witness that type of love in a smile to a passerby. When we greet each other, eat over a meal, and laugh together- we are expressing that type of love. More examples of this love includes:

1.    Dedicating our time to help someone in need
2.    Volunteering for a local charity
3.    Relieving someone of their debt
4.    Giving money to a stranger or friend so they can pay their bills
5.    Buying groceries for a homeless person
6.    Providing companionship to the sick and shut in
7.    Washing clothes for someone who may be ill
8.    Cleaning up for someone who is overwhelmed with the upkeep of their home
9.    Taking care of children
10.    Etc. and etc.

These are all good examples of serving, loving, caring, and sharing your time. Generally, any type of care you give is an expression of the love and understanding that you are capable of giving. Your way of expression of such love radiates from your soul.

Nevertheless, we all need a healing love; not just a love in general. Do you seek to be loved forever? Do you also seek to be healed forever? There is only one person who can heal us with an unending and healing love. Do you know the name of the person? The name of that person is Jesus. The following verse describes all about him.

John 3:16 NIV
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus was God’s gift to mankind. The John 3:16 verse gives a simple explanation of God’s love for us. It shows how we- each and every one of us- can be saved from our life of troubles here on Earth. We are directed to do only one thing; which is to believe in Jesus Christ. He gives us a choice to believe in him. After all, he is the one who is our help; our server. He cared for us so much that he came to us in human form to love and die for us- on our behalf- to show us how awesome is his love. He came to show us that his love is never ending and that he wants us to be with him. He did not have to do that in order to prove anything but he did it to help us, in our current condition, so that we may clearly know him in order to be able to return to him fully knowing him and his personal sacrifice.

During God’s time here on Earth in the form of a person, who’s name we call Jesus, we were taught important messages of love and faith. We should listen to these words and follow them. Aren’t we humans all looking and searching for love? Pure, honest to goodness true love? We can only be satisfied with the healing and eternal love we receive, have received, and will receive from Jesus Christ when he returns in the kingdom of God. 

Do not take God’s Love for granted. Receive his love and acknowledge it now while you have the chance. 

Now what is love?

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 NIV
“(4) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (5) It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (6) Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (7) It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Do you know what God said about love? 

Matthew 22: 37-39
“(37) Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (38) This is the first and greatest commandment. (39) And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

So, you see, you already know love just as you already know God and his love for us which he provided through —> Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! He is asking you to trust him by loving him in your heart with all of your power and with all the strength of your mind. If you take God’s love for granted, when he returns and you have not accepted and believed in Jesus Christ, who is God’s judge, it will be too late to change your mind. At that point, you cannot change your decision. Everyone, depending on your belief and decision, please be advised that you will be judged. God has made it very clear and simple as to what we are required to do upon his return to Earth.

I hope you choose to love Jesus. I am choosing to love Jesus. Please don’t take him for granted. Let’s appreciate him. He is loving you. Won’t you love him back?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Really Had A Powerful Dream Not Yet Realized

Hello Readers!

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
What is his life and legacy really about? Why is his story impactful? How is it that his message still remains relevant today?

This week we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. He was a Capricorn, just as I am, so I like to think we are very important people! I listened to his famous “I Have A Dream” speech again. I paid close attention to the words in his speech. 

Dr. King made reference to an American society that faced a moral battle between freedom and captivity, segregation of the races, and discrimination by Jim Crow and terror tactics. He said we were in a “shameful condition.” All of the people in the United States of America did not have the same unalienable rights that we were so granted under our American constitution. Justice was nowhere in sight. He so vigorously and eloquently stated, “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.” Dr. King was full of dignity and discipline when presenting this message to the nation. I was not born during that time, but I could feel the passion in his voice from his recording. It made me feel like I was standing there, watching him deliver his dream of a vision that someday surely will come true.

I was particularly interested in his use of the terms dark and desolate, shameful condition, sunlit path, dignity and discipline. I had been thinking about the following: light versus darkness; of patience and waiting; and doing your work to let the good things flow to you. 

Everything in life is kind of related. Art is reflected in nature; nature is reflected in art. The sun has been rising since the beginning of time and its pattern of rising has not changed in all of that time. There will be light in the day and darkness at night. There will be light shining in some areas of the world where it will still be darkness – which is of course dependent upon the location of the area from the international date line and time of day. Nature does not change, but the time is changing- the time for our justice, right?

Sad to announce this, but we are still in a bad state of condition. I wouldn’t say it is worse; just amplified. It is amplified because more people are bold. On the other hand, there has been more awareness of the problem we have in America in terms of racism, power, and destruction, which is making it feel worse all at once, all over the world. The world is shaken up, and people want to take action by acknowledging or denying our history. But, I would like to make some parallels between Dr. King’s speech and some things I read in the bible. The verses are from: Genesis 1 (The Beginning), Colossians 1 (Thanksgiving and Prayer), and Romans 8 (Present Suffering and Future Glory). The chapters are good to read but if you have a moment, look at these verses from those chapters: Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 to 5; Colossians chapter 1, verses 1 to 14; and Romans chapter 8, verses 18 to 28. Below are some verses I seek to parallel with Dr. King’s speech and current condition of the world:

Genesis 1: 4 NIV- “(4) God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.”
*You can see the difference between light and dark in the world. God separated them from each other. We can physically see light and dark. (I also believe we can see the difference between good and evil powers in the world, but please read the verse for your own comprehension.)

Colossians 1: 11-14 NIV- “(11) being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, (12) and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. (13) For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, (14) in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Romans 8: 28 NIV- “(28) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

I’d like to conclude with this: Everything has been written in the Bible to help guide us in this fallen world, which is away from God. The Bible is a resource. It’s time to pick up the Bible and read. It is time to take advantage of it. Get the right answers. Seek everlasting truths and justice- not man made truths and fake history/facts. Finally, actively test the answers you find and ultimately get better at recognizing your own dignity, discipline, and calling.

Also, I see people are speaking out more. If you are going to be a part of a movement, would you consider doing it like Dr. King? Build your resistance on a policy of love, as Jesus loves us; as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. emulated. He was the focal point of a movement- the Civil Rights Movement- that approached justice and equality through non-violent protests, peace and love. 

Take a note from him and his inspirational quote:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” -Dr. MLK, Jr.

If you are going to have a conversation, a movement, or a call to action, let’s work on being loving and full of light. Our example is in Jesus Christ. He was sacrificed on a cross for us, but his words remain to this day and they are relevant. Remember, also, the good actions of Dr. King. He was assassinated, but his example and words still ring true today.

New Years 2018

Hello Readers!  - Updated Version 

New Years Message

We have just celebrated the new year. There were parties, concerts, and fireworks displays broadcast worldwide. People were ringing in the new year with cheer and hopefulness for the future. 

This is usually the time when people make plans to achieve things in life and challenge themselves to reach those goals. It is a ritual; like clearing out your closet and giving away old clothes, but not feeling bad about discarding the clothes because you have worn them out or you have found the fashion does not match your style anymore. 

New Year resolutions are promising; yet, more delightful if achieved during the year. However, no one gives a hoot about failed New Year’s resolutions attempts. Whatever happened has happened. We simply move on...and we do so decidedly. I got into the habit of not making resolutions because the action served no purpose for me. I will either get something done or I won’t, naturally. To appease curious minds though, my New Years’ resolutions, if I had any, would be to build resolve, be resolving, and finally stay resolved. 

On Reading Psalm 77 and Resolving to Remember the Good Times and God’s Promises

As I read Psalm 77 the other day, it reminded me of all the troubles I went through last year as well as at other times over the course of my life. Through painful memories and suffering, I do remember calling out to God and asking for help and not getting help- so I thought. I remember praying and asking to myself, “am I praying right?” 

So, my question is this: How long does someone have to be treated badly, experience illness, etc., and have bad luck, when you know you have been doing everything in your power to do right according to the best of your ability and circumstance? This seems hard to answer, because what is life without pain and suffering?

When you continue to read Psalm 77, after the person talked about their life’s woes, you can see where the writer pauses and says he or she will start to remember all the good things that happened to him or her throughout their life that were provided by God. More importantly, the person decided they would remember God’s blessings. Near the end of my reading of the Psalm, I read the following verse:

Psalm 77:19 NIV
Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.”

I instantly remembered my book, Moka and My Path to the Sea. The book has special meaning to me and my heart. It reminds me to be your best and do your best and be yourself. The book is simply about friendship, nature, and balance that we see in life. An editor once noted that there was nothing spectacular about the story of Moka and My Path to the Sea  because there was not a climatic point or plot. However, I believe my message is  the “plot”. The story does not have to be broken down. Moka and My Path to the Sea is a story. The editor, though, is entitled to her belief.

Also, life is life. It can be good, and it can and most likely  does offer us woes (which are different from person to person). On the other hand, life- or your life’s story- does not have to be spectacular in order to live it. It’s probably important to notice the life and action around you. Delight in the fact that you went through certainties and uncertainties and have survived terrible times by following the strength of the message in your heart.

I lead Moka and Me to the sea. You can see their footprints in the sand. They are having so much fun at the beach. And, a rainbow appeared as they frolicked in the sea’s waters near the shore. They are sad when they have to go home. But, what if Moka and Me were magically transported through the sea? Where would they go? Would it be to the other side of the sea? Would it be to the other side of the rainbow? Would there be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Would they continue to have fun wherever they wound up? Also, who’s going to take them? Who is able to do that? Me, the author of course! 

Just like I did with Moka and Me, I lead them to the sea. If I want to lead them through the sea on other magical adventures, I can write a “plot”. Figuratively speaking about my life, I feel that God has taken me TO the sea. Perhaps God will now lead me THROUGH  the sea (as He is the author of my life and salvation). And, this is the year in which I will work methodically to achieve my goals. I feel like I just got an upgrade. Although life has not been easy, I have this intense feeling that this year will be one of the best. This year, 2018, will be a year of rebirth and winning for myself and everyone who cares to allow God to take them through the sea, whilst not letting you stay forever at the edge of the sea, on the sand, where only your footprints are visible.

On Forgiveness and the Bible 

I would just like to add that life has not been all bad, but it can sure seem like it when you sense that there is no end in sight. But this life, too, is temporary. Don’t get caught up on all the bad stuff or the small stuff. Forgive yourselves and others and move on. You have to forgive others, though, appropriately. You can not forgive without loving. 

*If you are the person who needs forgiveness, you truly have to repent to feel that you have been forgiven. This means you have to change your thoughts, which influence your feelings, that impact your behavior (*cognitive logic). You also have to offer amends to the person you have wronged. (Check the bible about forgiveness and forgiving/apologizing appropriately).

Remember, any person who has forgiven you has moved on; however, since you cannot forgive yourself or have the know how, self-detriment can be the determining factor in our life’s woes. That is why the renewing of your mind is important. What we think, we in turn feel, and ultimately act upon by showing it in our behavior. When you have repented (changed), your behavior will have changed. People will be able to see the difference in you and your lifestyle.

Finally, we have to remember the good points and good experiences in our personal lives. We also have to remember what God has done for us and remember the kind of God we have. All these things about God are described in the bible. God performed miracles. God is holy. God is powerful. God keeps promises and provides you peace in the appointed time. And, the truth will always come out. Nothing that is hidden will stay hidden. The lie can’t last forever. There is no place for it in God’s kingdom. 

Happy New Year! Fulfill your dreams. Remember God’s promises that he taught us in the bible.

Red Flags in Your Life?

Hello Readers!

This will be a brief message. I sustained a head injury and have to limit my exposure to light and sound and rest mentally and physically. 

If on your job, with friends, or family- or whatever your situation may be- you see red flags, don’t ignore them. Start asking questions and realize you can’t fix things or solve problems on your own. It is okay to ask for help from someone you had not considered could give you help.

But also when in need, ask God for help. He can assist you with all your needs. He is our God that makes everything possible. So pray to him and ask for help with no doubts and believe he will change your situation to bring to you hope and a future.

Repeat this to yourself, “I am too blessed to be stressed.” And, start believing it while determining how to address the red flags in your life, while seeking help. Nothing is impossible for our possible God!

I’m Doing My Thing

Hello Readers!

This blog is for me to express my thoughts through creative writing. There is no other point to it than sharing my feelings or thoughts that I feel are therapeutic for myself and maybe for others. Personally, I write for myself. Whatever comes to mind, I write it down, and then I try to edit to make it readable. 


I write to discuss my own experiences and divine connection according to my perspective and world view. I do not write to promote a religion; rather, I write to show my interpretation of spirituality and worship. I let you know that I like reading the bible and I'd like to live in an ideal world full of compassion. I want to live in a society where good morals are normal and standard. 


I do not like this dysfunctional system we seem to be living under in this point in time; it is totally unhealthy. Moreover, people want to be offended just so they can have something to complain about. They also don’t like to be corrected so they excuse their behavior as entitlement and are quick to make threats instead of seeking solutions.


Public Announcement: I do not write for likes. If I get a like, that would be a plus. I write as a creative outlet- which is one of my personal goals. This is in effect my personal project. I also write so people can have something to read. If they like my writing, they can continue to read on.


My last blog recited a bible verse, which is equivalent to a line or a few lines of text written in the bible. I did not copy the whole chapter. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it is up to you to do some proper research. 


Some people read more into things than need be but that will not disuade me from writing. For those who know me well, they know that I am very funny and at times querky. I'm not that serious after getting the chance to know you and becoming comfortable in your presence.


However, for someone to judge my writings, I accept the critique. I take it as constructive criticism. I am not trying to lead folks astray. I am writing as a person who reads the bible and had an idea that was interesting to me in the moment. It's like saying "Eureka!"  "I've found it!"


As such, I am not preaching to start a cult, but expressing myself on my platform. It is up to the reader to seek God, read the bible, and make their own determinations. That's all on them and I have nothing to do with it, just like I can't make them less jealous. Change comes from within. And change comes through knowledge gained through experience. 


If any, my previous blog entry called A Purpose for Wednesday seemed very querky to me and perhaps a little on the crazy side 😂 but I did not receive negative responses. It's only when I included a bible verse. If someone thinks the verse I cited is the same as a 180 angle, they are mistaken. They did not see that I was recounting my day nor did they understand my thought process. 


Nevertheless, they can believe anything they want, which probably means they are foolish in action and/or have a tendency to believe in foolish things. Or, they jump to conclusions and become automatically negative because they feel offended at my writing. I am not obligated to explain creative writing to them. A rocket scientist would not be able explain their field of expertise to laymen who don't have common sense because they would never understand anyway. 


Moreover, I do not have to explain my choice of words. *I want to read the bible. *I want to teach. *I want to write. I am taking care of myself and doing things I want.

1) So for you, if you truly want to read the bible, do it. Read the bible.

2) Then find someone who knows the bible and whom you can trust to help teach you about how and why the bible was written and why people should read it.

3) Also, question why the bible gets a bad reputation from people not knowledgeable of what's written on its pages- who often times promote the devil. Common sense tells you there cannot be a devil without God, just like there cannot be darkness without light. 


Anyway, I'm not worried. I trust God has selected people to read my blog, should they desire, just as God has selected people for His kingdom. My blog is like school; take from it what you want, remember to do your homework, study to pass your classes and graduate, as well as learn to make friends and play well with others.


My writing is like Monet, Van Gogh and Dali. Meaning is gained through each viewer- who each may view things differently- although each have seen the same painting. My blog is my own, inspiring others to look at their life and helping them have a better day reading my querky, artistic style of writing. Hopefully, I can be myself, give hope to Japan, and connect the world. Those are my real goals. Thank you for reading and letting me be myself.

Wilderness Woman

Hello Readers!

Luke 1: 80 “And the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.”

Reading the gospel according to Luke has made me feel I’ve been living in the wilderness, like John the Baptist, which is the child referenced in the above verse from the Bible.

My days have been long lately, I’m expelling so much energy, and without putting too much thought into it I decided to reward myself. My gift was a tall, ice cold Starbucks green tea Frappuccino with soy milk. I didn’t drink half of it, but it was a nice treat. 

Next, came a thought to find something I wanted to try out (a secret only for myself). I left Starbucks to find the store I thought I could find the item I wanted. So I started driving, ending up at three stores and passing through three others. A funny thing happened; as I went inside certain stores I looked for what I wanted but walked out with completely different things. I just wanted one item and came out with more than I originally sought.

On the way back home, I managed to pass stores that I had never really noticed before, but for sure, I can find what I need there. Before I knew it, I had been driving close to 2 hours and visiting stores. There was also a slight downpour of rain which lasted a few minutes. In all, I found the night drive and short rain-spell delightfully calming. 

When I got home, I opened my bible to Luke, the book I’m currently reading. Luke 1:80, Luke 1:80… Suddenly I thought about a 180 degree angle. Since I can’t let things rest of course I Googled “180 degree angle” and “what is a 180 angle?” A 180 degree angle is a straight line. I drove tonight in a roundabout way but I knew my direction. I did not know where I was going to end up finding what I wanted to buy myself but I knew to go. I already made up in my mind where to go; when I did not find what I was looking for, I moved on to the next store I had in mind.

Although I did not plan for it, I found other things besides the original item I so desperately sought. Those things could help me but not hurt my bank so I bought them. I found many rewards tonight. Without knowing it, I was on a straight path. Mentally, I knew what I wanted and decided to go and find it. When I couldn’t find that specific thing, I kept going to places I knew to seek. I found good things there, but opened my eyes to searching in places I am familiar with in passing but never really noticed. 

I guess I am like the child in the Luke 1:80 verse who is growing up in the wilderness, developing himself through spirit. After having a mentally and physically draining day, I knew my spirit- aka mind- was in search for something. I did not lose but gained a better understanding of life, searching, and being surprised. I will search again and go directly for what I want because I noticed what it is I want, where to find it, and how to get it.

First I noticed. After seeing and understanding clearly, I will know... I do believe I just related a bible concept to shopping and making decisions on life’s path. It may not look like a straight line. You may go about in a roundabout way. However, if you keep looking for the most important thing you need and want, you can eventually find it when you try again. Because in your mind, you already decided on it; you decided the path to take in order to obtain it like a straight line. 

Also, just food for thought: maybe our roundabout way of doing things doesn’t look roundabout from above if it is done with intent on your part. There is a divine design. Be blessed.

A Purpose for Wednesday

Hello Readers!

A lot of things happened since June when HHLL was created that kept me from updating this site regularly. I started this blog originally on a Wednesday. I thought it would be nice to read something inspirational and meaningful during the middle of the week, on Hump Day. Why, you may ask, does Wednesday make the perfect day to regroup? What was my intent of bringing a thoughtful message to you? 

Many years ago, when I taught English in Japan to junior high school students, ages 13 and 14, I told them to remember “Wednesday” by thinking of it as “Wedding Day.” I’d draw a bride and groom next to the word “wedding” with a tall towered-cake with decorations. The drawings looked really pretty. I often surprised myself with the detailed veil for the woman and two-piece suit for the man. An arc also surrounded the couple. 

Drawing was a creative way I shared my personality and Western culture with my Japanese students. Japan does have its own traditional wedding customs and style of dress for the bride and groom. The traditional Japanese wedding celebration is different than an American one, however, nowadays many weddings in Japan use American elements for the celebrations and styles of dress. I like to think my artistic renditions helped my Japanese students remember an English word or a different concept in a visual way. Hopefully, some students can still envision what I drew for them, if it helped at all.

So, after taking this long walk down memory lane, I began to have a recurring thought about the meaning of Wednesday and how the word itself is relevant to my life and wellbeing. In Japanese, the word for Wednesday is 水曜日 (すいようび). You pronounce it as suiyoubi (written in romaji). The breakdown of the 漢字 (かんじ) -Chinese symbols (kanji)- mean water (水), weekday (曜), and day (日) - which also means sun, Japan, and is a counter used for days.

Every day of the week the sun shines. I drink water… and I need it. Water is in your body. There are many bodies of water throughout our planet Earth. Water is necessary for life or destruction. It is a liquid that can harden, get cold, as well as vaporize and become hot. I prefer the more refreshing qualities of water used to quench your thirst or soothe yourself in a hot bath or ofuro (おふろ)- particularly with freshly cut yuzu fruit placed in the basin.

Nevertheless, I want to renew my mind, refresh it, heal my body and regroup. Being surrounded by a fresh aroma as well would be nice! Interestingly, water has the capacity to retain memory. I feel it holds weight and remembers vibrations and feelings associated with certain words uttered that have the potential to uplift or harm yourself as well as others who may hear those words directly or indirectly. I’m interested in studying the properties of water and learning how it supports us in life because our bodies are made up of most of it and it supports every living thing. 

A Japanese researcher named Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted a famous project on human consciousness that studied how certain words and thoughts, positive or otherwise, effect water at the molecular level. I believe he has shown through his work that prayer and visualization are powerful tools that have the ability to change the mind and aid in healing. This suggests to me that negative circumstances can be turned into positive situations- over time- when speaking, thinking, being and loving from a place of intent. On the other hand, when uttering words of a negative nature and intentionally mistreating and misleading others, negative states of health and stressful, harmful relationships will persist. However, I see such challenges as opportunities to forgive and free yourself for caring. But, it is also important to have a clear conscience in order to get to a more healthy and positive state, besides blessing others by praying for them that they, too, be blessed and forgiven, so that in the end, the blessing comes back to you perhaps two or three times fold.

Finally, I want to say that Dr. Masaru Emoto was revolutionary. I think his work should be more well-known. His research has further strengthened my belief about positivity, intent, and connection to your natural self- your natural state of love. He has shown us scientific proof of what we should all know naturally. He has also shown us in a way that makes sense in which we can reproduce on our own. Why not try your own water experiments? I’ve tried it unknowingly by talking lovingly, really meaning what I say, to sweet potato plants that quickly blossomed with tall stems and long roots. Find out more about him by doing an online search for “Dr. Masaru Emoto Water Experiment.”

In effect, let’s “reflect” —> through water, on Wednesday, 水曜日, with our words. And, let’s swim in refreshing pools of literal, physical, and nourishing healing we all need in the form of water…in liquid form, thoughts, and words. The sun will shine on the water of the world and the water we have within us. Perhaps our reflection will change into a more positive image that we can all see, even if you just meant it for yourself. Let’s all set good, powerful and positive goals to realize now. Maybe we will get a special surprise- a chance to see a promising arc in the shape of a rainbow, on Wednesday, Wedding Day, next to a bride and groom, reflecting vibrant colors of a good promise to come in a changed and new world. Take care. Enjoy the rest of your week.


Hump Day

How has Hump Day been to you?

This day has presented itself with many humps, it seems. I had a satisfying work day (working with 14 kids, changing diapers, re-organizing a classroom, etc.) and made it to a doctor's appointment, however, I feel unable to rest. It seems like these days keep getting longer and longer and the heat is aggravating.

Maybe it is just the sense of being in the habitual phase of "this is the work that you have to do today, so get it done" -that made it seem successful yet mundane at the same time. This statement does not mean that the work I do is unremarkable; days without major incidents are ideal in a childcare setting. But I think this experience can apply to anyone who has only had an "okay" day.

Yes... the weather must be affecting my mood! One thing I appreciate and wish everyone could have is a stable work environment in which co-workers value their work and not let the work define them. It would be nice to greet someone with a "good morning" and exchange pleasantries throughout the day. Sometimes, people are negative. Perhaps they are used to being so negative that they are blind to how people perceive them or maybe it is as simple as they just don't care. Or, they gossip to gossip. *These people should have clear tape placed over their mouths. That way, we will all see when a lie is about to cross over their lips.

But before I go off on a tangent, I think it is really important to be nice to people you work with and be grateful. No matter what you think of a colleague, remember that they are in the same workplace with you. Stop the preconceived notions you make up--- because they usually tend to be wrong. Don't spread rumors about a person that you haven't said "good morning" to as they come to work.

None of this "gossiping" happened to me today but I felt like sharing. There is so much going on in people lives and we should be encouraging and enriching; not tearing down. We don't need a reminder of anything that might be happening in our personal lives and have them show up at work. Actually, if gossiping and being negative is your self description, a.k.a. your "M.O."- get that checked.

If there is a problem, be a good adult and fix what is broken. Take care of yourself and treat others with love and consideration. Look up the Golden Rule. If you're gossiping at work you're obviously not doing your job.

So, my challenge to you is to ask your colleagues "How are you?" And, possibly say "Good morning!", if you usually don't extend polite salutations. (Disclaimer: I think this probably works best when speaking with intent and truth- not fake "essence.") Also, please remember "it's okay to be happy with a calm life."

Happy Hump Day❤️💕✌️👏

Until next time, Goodbye! さよなら!And adiós!


At 3.5 Weeks

Today marks 3.5 weeks since the end of the 2016-2017 school year, however, I have not had a "real" break. In fact, I have overextended myself. Moreover, I'm helping others get through tough times by listening to them and offering them advice, but that, too, is taxing.

Bad things are seeming to happen to good people and I do what I can to give comfort/make things right. I can't change their situations but I'm feeling myself become emotionally drained. Since my work schedule is full and availability is limited, I have no time. My face has even started to hurt from being outside in the sun while chaperoning children- and I might be dehydrated!

So in order for me not to become a disaster myself, perhaps I should do some self care and "take care" of my health. I need everything in my life to be simplified and I, myself, seek support! Now, if I could only take the first step to de-clutter my mind, my home, and my schedule...

The moral of the story is: don't just do what is best for Others, but do what is best for YOURSELF in order for everyone to benefit. (Inspiration from 1 Corinthians 10:33 NLT and the Lifehouse Tokyo broadcast titled "You Only Live Once (YOLO) published to YouTube on June 13, 2017.)

Sometimes you have to realize you have done your best by Doing Your Job! Situations will be resolved, however, time cannot be pressed. Seeing results is a waiting game- no matter the positive or negative outcome. Timing is everything. So let go and let it flow. PEOPLE REAP WHAT THEY SOW.

For now, I'll just stare at the painting I drew as an acknowledgement of my life and who I am. Please enjoy my artwork- I've attached it to this post. I hope it soothes and calms. Thank you!
